1 Children must arrive in school before first bell ring in the morning, late comers liable to be sent home.
2 All students should be habitually clean and neatly dressed.
3 Students are expected to take good care of their books and personal belongings. These should be marked distinctly with owner's name, class and section.
4 The school is not responsible for goods lost. Children are discouraged to bring any expensive article to the school. However goods lost if found will be kept in office.
5 No student should be sent to the school if suffering from contagious or infectious disease.
6 A minimum of 75% attendance of the working days is required for appearing in exams.
7 Children who wish to go home earlier, will be permitted only with the parents neither alone nor with servants.
8 Students should not come to school on motor-bikes. And if, due to certain reasons they are coming , they should have valid driving license and helmet with them.
9 Students should not come to school on motor-bikes. And if, due to certain reasons they are coming , they should have valid driving license and helmet with them.
10 Parents are requested to come to school on every Parents Teacher Meeting of their ward.
Rules & Regulations It is required to read the following rules & regulation carefully before availing the bus facility from the school and if there is any doubt then clarify the same from the school office.